HTSurvey 2021- Participate in Harris Teeter Feedback Survey & Win $500 Gift Card

HTSurvey is a small effort to get the feedback of the customers of Harris Teeter which is an American chain of superstores. Harris Teeter Feedback Survey is available online for customers at They want to get feedback from you guys about their staff and the products and also the ambience of the superstore.

This customer feedback will help harris teeter survey to improve and get the overall satisfaction level of the customers. If you choose to participate in the online survey, you will be able to honestly tell them about your experience at harris teeter store.

Only the participation of customers by providing the reviews is not it, you will also be able to win a $500 gift card reward through the lucky draw. If you are up to taking part in the harris teeter survey, you are at the right place. Find out the complete checklist to enter the survey. We’ll be starting with htsurvey rewards!

Survey Reward-

The htsurvey feedback from the customers is for the improvement of themselves but the rewards for the feedback of the customers is always there from Harris Teeter.

On completion of your, harris teeter feedback survey, the participant is definitely going to win through the lucky draw. The reward includes:

  • Prize and Prize Value: One Grand Prize of $500 in Harris Teeter Gift Cards.

You can also win a discount code on Questtv Feedback by giving your feedback. Share your reviews at and enjoy discounts. Honesty is most important while taking any survey because it encourages the people to improve according to the suggestions of the customers.

How To Enter HTsurvey?

If you have done shopping from Harris Teeter, then keep your shopping receipt handy while taking the online survey. In case you want to take the survey without shopping or having no htsurve receipt with you, you can even do that.

There are basically two different ways to enter the htsurvey. You just have to follow the steps to participate in the harris teeter survey. Have a look at the complete checklist to enter the survey and win through a random drawing.

Online Method (Receipt Survey)

  • On your Harris Teeter receipt lookup, you will find a receipt invitation to participate in the survey and share your Harris Teeter experience.
  • Visit the official website


  • Enter the survey code mentioned on your receipt and answer the survey question and share your experience.
  • In the end, you will fill out with name, address, city, state, zip code, age, area code, phone number, and e-mail address. So, that on winning, you can be contacted through your details.

Enter By Mail (No Receipt Survey)

If you are taking the no receipt survey, you just have to take a few steps and your harris teeter survey entry will be registered.

  • Hand Write your name, address, city, state, zip code, age, phone number and email address on a 3″ x 5″ paper.
  • Insert it into an envelope and mail this paper to the mailing address as mentioned down:

“Harris Teeter Guest Satisfaction Sweepstakes”, 701 Crestdale Rd., Matthews, NC 28105.”

Make sure that the entry is handwritten as only hand-printed mail-in entries are eligible. If you want to see the winners list, send a self-addressed stamped envelope with your request to

“Harris Teeter Guest Satisfaction Sweepstakes Winner List, 701 Crestdale Rd, Matthews, NC 28105.”

You will get the list of the previous winners of the htsurvey. For other rewards like $1000 cash or gift card, you can take CVS Survey and Walmart Survey, simply record your reviews and get a chance to win!

Rules & Requirements- Harris Teeter Survey

You have to consider some important rules and certain eligibility criteria to enter the Harris Teeter feedback survey( the customers who may not fulfil the criteria won’t be eligible to enter the survey. The rules and requirements include:

  • No Purchase Necessary to Enter or Win the reward.
  • The validity of Harris Teeter receipt lookup is within 6 days of shopping.
  • Must save the receipt for the online htsurvey entry.
  • The limit of one entry per person regardless of the method of entry is the eligibility for the survey entry.
  • The Harris Teeter Guest Satisfaction Sweepstakes is open to residents of Delaware, the District of Columbia, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.
  • There is an age limit to enter the harris teeter survey, so if you are younger than 18 years, you cannot take the survey.
  • Employes and the family members of the employees of the sponsor are not eligible to enter the htsurve customer survey.
  • One winner of htsurvey will be selected through a random drawing by the sponsor.
  • The winner will be notified through the mail.

Contact Harris Teeter® harris teeter feedback survey

For any queries or to get any information, you can just contact HT at any of the provided contact details. Customer service is always available for you.

  • Customer Service Number: 1-800-432-6111
  • Corporate Office Address: Harris Teeter Inc., 701 Crestdale Road, MATTHEWS, NC 28105 USA.
  • Corporate Office Phone no: 1-704- 844-3100
  • Corporate Office Fax: 1 -704-844-3138
  • Customer Support email address:

Final Words

The complete information to partake in the htsurvey at is mentioned in the article. If you wish to participate and give your feedback,  you can easily do that. You may also give us your opinion on whether to shop from Harris Teeter or not.

Tell us about your experience and share your queries (if any) in the comment section below. You can also win a $500 TJX Gift Card by giving your honest feedback on your experience at TJX.

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